MolModa's Styles feature allows users to customize the visual representation of molecular structures, including proteins and compounds. This documentation provides an overview of the visual styles available for proteins, each designed to highlight different aspects of molecular structure for enhanced analysis and presentation.
The Cartoon style abstractly represents protein structures, emphasizing the overall fold and secondary structural elements.
Displays the protein in a gradient of colors along its length, helpful in distinguishing different parts of the molecule.
Highlights the secondary structures (e.g., α-helices and β-sheets) using distinct colors and shapes.
Surface styles provide a detailed view of the molecular surface, highlighting properties such as element types or charge distributions.
The surface is colored according to secondary structural elements, making it easy to identify helices, sheets, and coils.
Indicates the chain identity through color coding, which is helpful in visualizing protein complexes.
Atom styles depict individual atoms and bonds, offering detailed insights into molecular architecture.
Uses lines to represent bonds between atoms, providing a simplified view of the molecular structure.