“1. Cover Sheet”: {
“Title”: “Cover Sheet”,
“description”: “A section.”,
“a. Primary Location”: {
“description”: “Prefilled online. Don’t worry about it.”,
“done”: “false”,
“done-type”: “checkbox-input”
“b. Which Program?”: {
“Title”: “Program Description/Announcement/Solicitation Number”,
“description”: “Proposers are required to select the applicable program description, announcement, or solicitation.”,
“Required Info”: “”,
“done”: “false”,
“done-type”: “checkbox-input”
“c. NSF Unit”: {
“Title”: “NSF Unit of Consideration”,
“description”: “Proposers must follow instructions for selection of an applicable NSF Division/Office and Program(s) to which the proposal should be directed.”,
“Unit”: “”,
“done”: “false”,
“done-type”: “checkbox-input”
“d. Title”: {
“Title”: “Title of Proposed Project”,
“description”: “The title of the project must be brief, scientifically or technically valid, and suitable for use in the public press.”,
“Project Title”: “”,
“done”: “false”,
“done-type”: “checkbox-input”
“e. Budget/Duration Info”: {
“Title”: “Budget and Duration Information”,
“description”: “Three to five years. Requested start date should allow at least six months for NSF review.”,
“Info”: “”,
“Info-type”: “textarea-input”,
“done”: “false”,
“done-type”: “checkbox-input”
“f. PI Info”: {
“Title”: “PI Information and co-PI Information”,
“description”: “Need each individual’s name and either NSF ID or primary registered e-mail address.”,
“Info”: “”,
“Info-type”: “textarea-input”,
“done”: “false”,
“done-type”: “checkbox-input”
“g. Previous NSF”: {
“Title”: “Previous NSF Award”,
“description”: “Renewal proposal? Preliminary proposal? Being submitted to another federal agency?”,
“Info”: “”,
“Info-type”: “textarea-input”,
“done”: “false”,
“done-type”: “checkbox-input”
“h. Other”: {
“Title”: “Other Information”,
“description”: “Possible additional information that might be required.”,
“Info-description”: “Are you a new investigator? Does your porposal include proprietary or priviledged information? Any international collaborators (list up to five countries).”,
“Info”: “”,
“Info-type”: “textarea-input”,
“done”: “false”,
“done-type”: “checkbox-input”
“done”: “false”,
“done-type”: “checkbox-input”
“2. Project Summary”: {
“Title”: “Project Summary”,
“description”: “Should not be more than a page long. Written in third person. Accessible even to educated lay person. Not an abstract of the proposal.”,
“a. Overview”: {
“Title”: “Overview”,
“description”: “Description of the activity, objectives, and methods.”,
“Info”: “”,
“Info-type”: “textarea-input”,
“done”: “false”,
“done-type”: “checkbox-input”
“b. Intellectual Merit”: {
“Title”: “Intellectual Merit”,
“description”: “Potential of the proposed activity to advance knowledge.”,
“Info”: “”,
“Info-type”: “textarea-input”,
“done”: “false”,
“done-type”: “checkbox-input”
“c. Broader Impacts”: {
“Title”: “Broader Impacts”,
“description”: “Potential to benefit society and contribute to the achievement of specific, desired societal outcomes.”,
“Info”: “”,
“Info-type”: “textarea-input”,
“done”: “false”,
“done-type”: “checkbox-input”
“done”: “false”,
“done-type”: “checkbox-input”
“3. TOC”: {
“description”: “Automatically generated. Don’t worry about it.”,
“done”: “false”,
“done-type”: “checkbox-input”
“4. Project Description”: {
“Title”: “Project Description”,
“description”: “Limited to at most 15 pages, including graphs and charts. Don’t include URLs. They can change.”,
“a. Work”: {
“Title”: “Statement of Work”,
“description”: “Make it clear! Answer the question: What do you want to do?”,
“i. Objectives”: {
“Title”: “Objectives for Period of Proposed Work”,
“Info”: “”,
“Info-type”: “textarea-input”,
“done”: “false”,
“done-type”: “checkbox-input”
“ii. Significance”: {
“Title”: “Expected Significance”,
“Info”: “”,
“description”: “Answer the question: Why do you want to do this?”,
“Info-type”: “textarea-input”,
“done”: “false”,
“done-type”: “checkbox-input”
“iii. Relationship”: {
“Title”: “Relationship to State of Knowledge in the Field”,
“description”: “Talk both about others’ work as well as your own, supported elsewhere.”,
“Info”: “”,
“Info-type”: “textarea-input”,
“done”: “false”,
“done-type”: “checkbox-input”
“done”: “false”,
“done-type”: “checkbox-input”
“b. Plan”: {
“Title”: “General Plan of Work”,
“description”: “Answer the question: How do you plan to do this?”,
“i. Design”: {
“Title”: “Broad Design”,
“description”: “Your plan as a general outline.”,
“Info”: “”,
“Info-type”: “textarea-input”,
“done”: “false”,
“done-type”: “checkbox-input”
“ii. Methods”: {
“Title”: “Methods and Procedures”,
“Info”: “”,
“Info-type”: “textarea-input”,
“description”: “A description of experimental methods and procedures.”,
“done”: “false”,
“done-type”: “checkbox-input”
“iii. Success?”: {
“Title”: “Metrics of Success”,
“Info”: “”,
“Info-type”: “textarea-input”,
“description”: “How will you know if you’ve succeded?”,
“done”: “false”,
“done-type”: “checkbox-input”
“done”: “false”,
“done-type”: “checkbox-input”
“c. Broader Impacts”: {
“Title”: “Broader Impacts”,
“description”: “Answer the question: What benefits could accure if successful? Examples: Get underpresented folks involved? Improve STEM educaation? Increase public scientific literacy? Increase public engagement with science? Improve people’s well being? Create a diverse, globally competative workforce. Increase interactions between academia and industry? Improve national security? Increase U.S. competitiveness? Enhance infrastructure for research and education? Etc., etc.”,
“Info-type”: “textarea-input”,
“Info”: “”,
“done”: “false”,
“done-type”: “checkbox-input”
“d. Prior NSF Support”: {
“Title”: “Results from Prior NSF Support”,
“description”: “If you or co-PI has NSF support (any grant) in past five years, additional information is required. See GPG doc online for more details. At most five pages (included in 15 total).”,
“Info”: “”,
“Info-type”: “textarea-input”,
“done”: “false”,
“done-type”: “checkbox-input”
“done”: “false”,
“done-type”: “checkbox-input”
“5. References”: {
“Title”: “References Cited”,
“description”: “Each reference must include the names of all authors (in the same sequence in which they appear in the publication), the article and journal title, book title, volume number, page numbers, and year of publication. Use Endnote for this.”,
“done”: “false”,
“done-type”: “checkbox-input”
“6. Biographical Sketches”: {
“Title”: “Biographical Sketch(es)”,
“description”: “A section.”,
“replace this with paragraphs”: “”,
“done”: “false”,
“done-type”: “checkbox-input”
“7. Budget”: {
“Title”: “Budget and Budget Justification”,
“description”: “The budget rules are complex. See the online GPG guide. But give some thought to personnel, equipment, external consultants, etc. I believe the budget form is online.”,
“done”: “false”,
“done-type”: “checkbox-input”
“8. Support”: {
“Title”: “Current and Pending Support”,
“description”: “Required information on all current and pending support for ongoing projects and proposals, including this project, and any subsequent funding in the case of continuing grants. The proposed project and all other projects or activities requiring a portion of time of the PI and other senior personnel must be included. The total award amount for the entire award period covered (including indirect costs) must be shown as well as the number of person-months per year to be devoted to the project, regardless of source of support. Complex rules… check PGP for details.”,
“Info-type”: “textarea-input”,
“Info”: “”,
“done”: “false”,
“done-type”: “checkbox-input”
“9. Facilities, etc.”: {
“Title”: “Facilities, Equipment and Other Resources”,
“description”: “What resources are available to specifically satisfy the requirements of the 1) Intellectual Merits and 2) Broader Impacts review criteria (see those sections above). List internal and external resources that will be available (physical or personnel). Describe unfunded collaborations here. Should have letter of collaboration from each one in supplementary documentation section. This is a narrative, not a list. Don’t include any financial information… that’s a different section.”,
“Info-type”: “textarea-input”,
“Info”: “”,
“done”: “false”,
“done-type”: “checkbox-input”
“10. Special/Supplementary Info”: {
“Title”: “Special Information and Supplementary Documentation”,
“description”: “Don’t use it to circumvent the 15-page limit on the Project Description.”,
“a. Data”: {
“Title”: “Data Management Plan”,
“description”: “No more than two pages. Describe how the proposal will conform to NSF policy on the dissemination and sharing of research results (see AAG Chapter VI.D.4). See http://www.nsf.gov/bfa/dias/policy/dmp.jsp . Considered under Intellectual Merits or Broader Impacts or both.”,
“i. Data Generated”: {
“description”: “Types of software, data, or cirricumlum to be generated.”,
“Info-type”: “textarea-input”,
“Info”: “”,
“done”: “false”,
“done-type”: “checkbox-input”
“ii. Standards and Formats”: {
“description”: “Standards to be used for data and metadata formats.”,
“Info-type”: “textarea-input”,
“Info”: “”,
“done”: “false”,
“done-type”: “checkbox-input”
“iii. Access and Sharing”: {
“description”: “Policies for access and sharing.”,
“Info-type”: “textarea-input”,
“Info”: “”,
“done”: “false”,
“done-type”: “checkbox-input”
“iv. Reuse and Redistribution”: {
“description”: “Policies for the reuse, redistribution, and production of derivatives.”,
“Info-type”: “textarea-input”,
“Info”: “”,
“done”: “false”,
“done-type”: “checkbox-input”
“v. Archiving”: {
“description”: “Archiving plans.”,
“Info-type”: “textarea-input”,
“Info”: “”,
“done”: “false”,
“done-type”: “checkbox-input”
“done”: “false”,
“done-type”: “checkbox-input”
“b. Postdoctoral Mentoring”: {
“Title”: “Postdoctoral Mentoring Plan”,
“description”: “Required if you’re requesting money for postdocs. May not be applicable. One page describing specific mentoring opportunities that will be provided. Don’t use this to circumvent the 15-page limit on the Project Description section! This will be evaluated based on the Broader Impacts criterion. EXAMPLES: career counseling; training in preparation of grant proposals, publications, and presentations; guidance on ways to improve teaching and mentoring skills; guidance on how to effectively collaborate with researchers from diverse backgrounds and disciplinary areas; and training in responsible professional practices.”,
“Info-type”: “textarea-input”,
“Info”: “”,
“done”: “false”,
“done-type”: “checkbox-input”
“c. Collaboration Letters”: {
“Title”: “Letters of Collaboration”,
“description”: “For unfunded collaborators. Not an endorsement of the project, just a statement of the intent to collaborate.”,
“Info-description”: “NSF recommends this format for letters of collaboration.”,
“Info-type”: “textarea-input”,
“Info”: “If the proposal submitted by Dr. [insert the full name of the Principal Investigator] entitled [insert the proposal title] is selected for funding by NSF, it is my intent to collaborate and/or commit resources as detailed in the Project Description or the Facilities, Equipment or Other Resources section of the proposal.”,
“done”: “false”,
“done-type”: “checkbox-input”
“done”: “false”,
“done-type”: “checkbox-input”
“done”: “false”,
“done-type”: “checkbox-input”
- Auto Graphing
- CAREER Grant (NSF)