Fail with smal GridSpacings and large radii

Computer-Aided Drug Design at the Durrant Lab Forums POVME2 Fail with smal GridSpacings and large radii

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    • #157102
      Thales do Valle Moreira

      Does anyone know how to fix it? Or what is the problem I'm having? I'm a newbie.
      I'm getting the following message when I try to use POVME with small grid spacings and large radii:
      numpy.core._exceptions._ArrayMemoryError: unable to allocate 9 GiB for an array with shape (37910, 37910) and data type float64


      See a sample of the script below:
      GridSpacing: 0.4
      PointsIncludeRegions: sphere at (5.912, 2.767, 17.236), radius = 14.0
      SavePoints: True
      PDBFileName: protein-final.pdb
      DistanceCutoff: 1.09
      ConvexHullExclusion: True
      ContiguousPocketSeedRegions: sphere at (5.912, 2.767, 17.236), radius = 4.0
      ContiguousPointsCriteria: 3
      NumProcessors: 4
      UseDiskNotMemory: False
      OutputFilenamePrefix: pov04/POVME_
      SaveIndividualPocketVolumes: True
      SavePocketVolumesTrajectory: False
      OutputEqualNumPointsPerFrame: False
      SaveTabbedVolumeFile: True
      SaveVolumetricDensityMap: False
      CompressOutput: False

    • #158777
      Jacob Durrant

      Thanks for reaching out about the issue you're experiencing with POVME. Based on the error message you provided, it seems POVME is encountering a memory allocation error due to the combination of small grid spacings and large radii. I recommend increasing the grid spacing to ensure POVME does not exceed the available memory on your machine. Best of luck with your project.

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